Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Final Storyboard

Final Photo/Storyboard for Iscariot from solomonstudios

Creating a storyboard out of stills from the Iscariot trailer allowed the group to really analyse the different locations, sounds and lighting we used in production. We  began to notice the different effects and connotations created when we used different lighting, such as the fearful and isolated atmosphere in the barn setting juxtaposed with the hope provided by the missing persons appeal and the high key artificially lit setting.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Certificate Rating

After researching into similar media products within the crime thriller genre and on the BBFC website we decided that our film trailer would be labelled as a 15 rated film meaning that it is recommended that only people over the age of 15 should watch it.

We decided upon a 15 rated  as our film contains a lot of violence which may be distressing for viewers, kidnapping and interrogation.